Sviluppo sito web per Mollificio
Realizzazione di un sito web dinamico e vitale che rispecchia l'animo dell'azienda. Una progettazione grafica essenziale ed intuitiva per una navigazione di qualità in pochi semplici clic.
Short videos help the storytelling
A vital and energetic business like Mollificio Adige deserves a website that does it justice. The videos and animations immediately capture the attention, the menu is essential and allows for simple and intuitive navigation. To crown it all, bits of history that tell us about the milestones of this activity.

Focus on the essential
White background and blue lettering, a perfect design to make the product the absolute protagonist. Accompanying, a button: in this way, the information is reduced to a minimum to improve the readability of the page, leaving the technical details in convenient downloadable PDFs.

Quality first
Quality occupies a section of its own, confirming the professionalism that has accompanied the history of this company. This way, certifications are just a click away.