Realizzazione di e-Commerce per Oleificio online
Sviluppo e progettazione di un e-Commerce per risaltare l'elevata qualità dei prodotti offerti. Uno store online semplice ma d'effetto, progettato per valorizzare al massimo l'attività aziendale.

The delicacy of Bardolino
The Oleificio Sociale Bardolino is the image of the delicacy of Lake Garda. The quality of its products has delighted even the most discerning palates.

A showcase for Local Food
With the new e-commerce we have enhanced their image, just as they have been able to enhance a territory - Lake Garda - and its extraordinary products.

Soft colors, but impactful!
We have created a showcase for the formidable products of Oleificio Sociale Bardolino. Simple, linear with soft but impactful colors. In short, quality products deserve a high-class presentation!