Realizzazione sito web per forni pizza
Sviluppo di un sito web coinvolgente e dinamico in grado di appassionare l'utente dopo un semplice clic. Un design unico e moderno per un'esplorazione a 360° del mondo dei forni da pizza.
Wow effect
The site opens with an emotional video that helps to increase the user's permanence and invites him to continue browsing. Engage now to convert later.

Guided tour
The navigation menu opens laterally and becomes wide-screen, guiding with extreme clarity towards a complete exploration of the site's contents or leading directly to its heart: the rotating ovens, the fixed ovens and the design ones.

Product catalog 2.0
The pages dedicated to pizza ovens? Not simple product sheets, but interactive renderings that allow you to explore its functions in a playful and dynamic way, increasing user involvement.