Sviluppo sito web per settore sanitario

Realizzazione di un sito web per una realtà innovativa che pone al centro del suo lavoro il benessere dei suoi pazienti. Una user experience semplice e dinamica grazie alla presenza di video funzionali in grado di fornire tutte le informazioni utili in pochi minuti. 

Revolution in motion

The homepage opens to a moving animation and the central button invites you to watch a video: a brief and explanatory summary of what the product is. Scrolling, we find a list of all the keywords that encompass the strengths of Playcast.

Much more than a cast

The project is complex mainly for two reasons: due to the complexity of the technology used in the creation of the Playcast and because explaining the products and projects they carry out to customers can be difficult. Videos are therefore found to be the most suitable content for the purpose: in this way, those who visit the site will not be forced to read an excessively long block of text. Rather, in just over two minutes, the video captures the essence of Playcast and what it deals with, highlighting the merits and innovativeness of the project. All available directly on the site.

Step by step, together

For such a reality, contact with the customer is the main objective. In fact, it is essential that the patient knows the various phases that precede the creation of his Playcast. For this, we have created a page where the phases are explained in an exhaustive way.

Do you have an exciting project to discuss?
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